"Trinity" Tagged Sermons


Friendship In a recent survey, 42% of people said they did not have a single friend at work. Too much proximity, but too little depth in a world of hot-desks and headphones. We prize friendship, but what does God say about it? How can we resolve this year to build real, deep friendships – with others and ultimately with Him?

Marks of the Spirit-filled church: 3 of 3: God-centered

John 17:1-5 In 2012 plans were announced to start a human colony on mars by 2027. Even though applicants have to pay to apply, and there are no plans for return, there were nearly 3000 applicants in the first year. Human beings seem to seek out opportunities to invest their lives in something significant and glorious. Listen in to discover the great cause which captivated and drove Jesus, and why it’s the one cause really worth living and dying for.