Matt 1:18-25 Many today think that believing in the virgin birth is much like believing in Santa’s elves. Listen in to this Christmas carol service talk as we see why we should believe it and why God would bother with a virgin birth in the first place.
Matthew 2:1-18 If you went to celebrate with a family the birth of their child, you’d probably give a baby beanie or cuddly toy or unicorn onesie. The wise men give Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh. But these gifts, though perhaps odd to us, take us to the heart of why Christmas is special.
Matthew 2:1-18 If you went to celebrate with a family the birth of their child, you’d probably give a baby beanie or cuddly toy or unicorn onesie. The wise men give Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh. But these gifts, though perhaps odd to us, take us to the heart of why Christmas is special.
Various The Christmas tree is a lovely tradition, but if you just focus on that, you’ll miss the wood for the tree! Christmas only makes sense when we understand what the Bible says about three other special trees.
Various The Christmas tree is a lovely tradition, but if you just focus on that, you’ll miss the wood for the tree! Christmas only makes sense when we understand what the Bible says about three other special trees.
Jonah 3:10-4:1-11 Hypocrisy looks pathetic – when our boss, our colleague, our friend acts like there’s one rule for them and another rule for everybody else. Religious hypocrisy can be especially hard to stomach. Listen in as we see that God hates hypocrisy even more than we do.
2 John Truth and love can be hard to hold together. As we speak to friends and colleagues and as we speak about gospel truth. Listen is as we see how John holds these two things together.
Jonah 3v1-10 Peter Schiff, CEO at Euro Pacific Capital, famously warned markets in 2006 about an approaching Global Financial Crisis. Those who heeded him protected themselves against great loss. Listen in as this passage explores the humility and attentiveness required to heed another warning to the market.
Friendship We live in a world that loves the idea of friendship, and yet struggles to build individual friendships. Listen in as we see what the bible teaches about God’s will for friendship.
Jonah 2 Sometimes people are just out of their depth. We can see it in business, in politics, in sport and in life. How should such people respond? How should we respond if we feel it ourselves?