Acts 4:5–22 Jesus is the only way to be saved, a truth we must speak about in a culture that doesn’t want to listen.
Acts 3:11–4:4 Peter’s sermon after the healing of the lame man shows that the ultimate problem is really with us, yet the crucified saviour is God’s plan.
Acts 3:1-10 The healing of a lame man is a sign that points to us, to Jesus, and to the future, all that we might praise in the face of suffering.
Matthew 19:4. In the first talk in this mini-series we looked at what the Bible says about our bodies. This second talk focuses on the application of this truth to a current issue in Western society today.
Ecclesiastes and 2 Corinthians Ageing is a challenge, and a privilege. Our world sometimes celebrates it, but often mocks and denies it. How should we engage with ageing as Christian women, whether we’re 23 or 73?
Various Our bodies are a very sensitive subject – how we feel about them, what we’ve done with them, what others have done to them, how they are changing. Our bodies stir up a whole range of emotions, and it can be bewildering. Where can we find help, clarity, and hope? The Bible has a lot to say about our bodies.
Matthew 9:35-38 What do we need if we are to be committed to the work of the gospel, getting the good news out to others and making disciples? The starting point is compassion. And that begins with seeing people as Jesus saw them.
Matthew 6:9-13 The Lord’s Prayer is so familiar, but do we use it? Every day? We should do because it puts relationship with our heavenly Father at the heart of each day. It reorientates our lives around his name, his kingdom, and his will. And it meets our biggest needs – for provision, pardon,
Luke 15:11-32 This parable shows the lost nature of humanity, and the perfect grace of God in Jesus Christ.
Luke 16:1-13 Jesus teaches that worldly possessions are temporary but our relationship with God and the people of his kingdom goes into eternity.