Why I can’t believe: Science has disproved Christianity September 25, 2013 Andrew Latimer Acts Acts 17:24-31
Have you lost your mind? 3 of 3: Why would anyone want to take a leap in the dark? (Lunchtime) September 18, 2013 Andrew Latimer
Living in the light of the future September 15, 2013 Andrew Latimer 1 Thessalonians 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Have you lost your mind? 2 of 3: Why would anyone back such a weak movement? (Lunchtime) September 11, 2013 Andrew Latimer John John 10:22-30
The Cross 2 of 4: What happened on the cross? September 8, 2013 Marcus Nodder Isaiah Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Have you lost your mind? 1 of 3: Why would anyone deliberately give up their freedom? (Lunchtime) September 4, 2013 Andrew Latimer John John 10:1-21