VariousYou can’t make sense of a spoon with a hole in the middle, unless you understand what it’s for – for olives. And so with sex. What is the point of sex? And what happens when we ignore the Maker’s instructions?
VariousYou can’t make sense of a spoon with a hole in the middle, unless you understand what it’s for – for olives. And so with sex. What is the point of sex? And what happens when we ignore the Maker’s instructions?
Philippians 3:1-16 Do you think you’re a Perfectionist? Or maybe someone close to you is? Some studies say that around 80% of gifted people are, so in London you’re not alone! We’ll be thinking through what Perfectionism is, where it leads us, and what hope there is in the Gospel for Perfectionists.
Luke 3:1-20 Some say we’ve had a lot of bad news recently, but that Christianity’s news isn’t any better. Listen in as Luke shows us the truly good news of a gospel that isn’t fake, arrogant or spineless.
VariousMoney is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. What is a good gift from God can easily become a god that destroys us. Which is it in our lives? How do we know? And how do we change?
Luke 1:39-56 It’s fair to say we’re often better at spotting pride in others than we are in ourselves. What does God say about pride and it’s opposite humility? What does that mean for a culture increasingly less interested in treating humility as a virtue? Listen in to Mary’s song as we meet the very humble and the very proud and see how God responds to both.
Romans 8:1-27As Christians we struggle with sin and with suffering. But God has not left us to fend for ourselves. Through the gift of his Spirit we have help in the present and hope for the future.
Daniel 12:1-3 As Christians look ahead to a week of talks across the Wharf, Roger Carswell asks: ‘How can Christians share their faith?
Luke 3:1-20 Some say we’ve had a lot of bad news recently, but that Christianity’s news isn’t any better. Listen in as Luke shows why John the Baptist brought such good news.
variousWhat is baptism with the Spirit? Is it a second experience we should seek, or something that has already happened? And what is being filled with the Spirit? And how do the two relate together?