Mark 6:30-56 Jesus’ feeding of 5000 people and his walking on water are two of his most famous miracles. But what was the point? What message were they meant to…
Mark 6:30-56 Jesus’ feeding of 5000 people and his walking on water are two of his most famous miracles. But what was the point? What message were they meant to…
Confession is the very first step on the way to repentance. But it can be so difficult, we feel shame and guilt, all because we need to know better the heart of Christ. Confession should be a humble act that leads us to worship.
There may be times in the Christian life that we feel we may tension between our need to fully rely on God, and our need to obey his word. How do we follow his will for our life while also depending upon him and trusting that he will provide for us? This was something that the people of God in Nehemiah’s day had to learn, and something each one of us needs to also.
What makes us human? Is there more to us than meets the eye? What does our outer surface actually mean? We are exploring these questions with Dr. Monty Lyman at a guest service.