Acts 11:1–18 Gentiles are now included in trues Christianity! They possess the ‘hallmarks of a true Christian’. Do we?
Acts 11:1–18 Gentiles are now included in trues Christianity! They possess the ‘hallmarks of a true Christian’. Do we?
Acts 10:1–48 How do you know that the church is for you? How can we be sure that God accepts us? Today we look at how the world turned upside down in Caesarea.
Acts 9:20–31 Saul’s new obedience, even in the face of suffering, can only come from one thing: the truth of the risen Jesus.
Acts 9:1-19 Saul’s conversion shows us the power of the gospel to transform lives, even though his conversion was supernaturally and historically special.
Acts 8:26–40 A supernatural meeting, and the suffering servant, means that even the most outcast can be included in the people of God
Acts 8:4–25 The word is more powerful than persecution and paganism, which means the outcast Samaritans can be included, but faith must be apostolic and repentant.
Acts 6:8–8:3 A wrong understanding can make us look like fools, and this is the case with the bible too. Stephen shows that we need to rightly understand how God works in his people, through his word.
Acts 6:1–7 Practical service happens in order for the church to do good things, while ensuring that the best thing – the word of God increasing – can still happen.
Acts 5:17–42 God is at work in the gospel, so don’t be discouraged, he cannot be stopped!
Acts 5:12–16 What are signs and wonders? Why were the apostles doing them? And what should we think about those who claim to perform them today?