Acts 3:11–4:4 Peter’s sermon after the healing of the lame man shows that the ultimate problem is really with us, yet the crucified saviour is God’s plan.
Acts 3:11–4:4 Peter’s sermon after the healing of the lame man shows that the ultimate problem is really with us, yet the crucified saviour is God’s plan.
Acts 3:1-10 The healing of a lame man is a sign that points to us, to Jesus, and to the future, all that we might praise in the face of suffering.
Acts 2:42–47 The spirit filled church is devoted to God, to one another, and the Lord adds to their number! So we must look up, look in, and look out.
Acts 2:14–41 Peter’s preaching of the word explains what Pentecost means: the new age has come! The Spirit is here, and Christ is the king! But what will our response be?
Acts 2:1–13 The Holy Spirit fills the apostles on pentecost, giving them power to proclaim the mighty works of God. But what does this mean for us today? And how does it help the mission of God: that his church be witnesses to the ends of the earth?
Acts 1:11-26 The apostles chose their 12th man, Luke wants us to have confidence in this apostolic foundation
Acts 1:1-11 The risen and exalted Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will empower his followers to go to the ends of the earth proclaiming the good news
Acts 4:1-22 An interview & talk with Mark Harding. Mark spent many years as a partner in the international law firm, Clifford Chance, and had two stints in-house at banks, first as General Counsel of UBS Investment Bank and, for ten years, as General Counsel of Barclays Bank.
Acts 4:1-22 An interview & talk with Mark Harding. Mark spent many years as a partner in the international law firm, Clifford Chance, and had two stints in-house at banks, first as General Counsel of UBS Investment Bank and, for ten years, as General Counsel of Barclays Bank.
Acts 16:6-40 Sometimes people who aren’t Christian say ‘I’m not the churchy type’. But actually there is no churchy type. In Acts we see Jesus pursuing unlikely people and then uniting them together as one family – as he is still doing the same today.