Genesis 3:1-13 What is wrong with the world? Why is there so much beauty and ugliness side by side? Genesis 3 tells us. But what exactly did happen? And how does it affect us? And what can be done about it?
Genesis 3:1-13 What is wrong with the world? Why is there so much beauty and ugliness side by side? Genesis 3 tells us. But what exactly did happen? And how does it affect us? And what can be done about it?
Genesis 2:18-25 What is true of consumer products is true of life – we do well to read the manual. The Bible is our maker’s manual, telling us how life works. One of the many areas of life about which he gives operating instructions is relationships and marriage. This passage is an at-a-glance guide to marriage and how it works.
Genesis 3:1-13 ‘What a wonderful world’ sang Louis Armstrong. And it is. But it’s a terrible world as well, with so much suffering and sorrow. Why such beauty and ugliness side by side? What is wrong? And what hope is there?
Genesis 2:18-25 Do you ever read the manual when you buy a new gadget or appliance? Most don’t, and then end up calling the helpline to complain that it doesn’t work! The Bible is the manual God has given us for life. In this talk we look at his instructions for marriage – and discover not just how to make it work, but also that it has profound spiritual lessons to teach all of us, whether married or single.
Genesis 2:4-17 Who knows best? Us or God? One of the foundations Genesis 2 puts in place is that God is not just powerful but good. And because he is good, his way is best. We need to be convinced of that as we face sin and suffering.
GENESIS 1:24-27 What is a human being? Just a few chemicals in a bag of skin? Just a higher functioning mammal? And what are we here for? What’s the point? Is there one? These questions about our identity and purpose are important ones. We find the answers as we turn back to the dawn of human history and the first chapter of Genesis.
Genesis 1:1-5 Sitting next to a stranger on the train, you can only know him if he speaks and reveals himself to you. So with God. He has revealed himself clearly in his Word. Genesis chapter 1 is our first encounter.
Genesis 2:4-25 Who knows best? Us or God? One of the foundations Genesis 2 puts in place is that God is not just powerful but good. And because he is good, his way is best. We need to be convinced of that as we face sin and suffering.
Genesis 1:1-5 Many in our culture assume that science has now disproved God, and the Genesis creation account is just a myth. But the scientific evidence says otherwise. The Creator has left his fingerprints all over creation.
Genesis 1:24-2:3 Who are we? And why are we here? These fundamental questions about human identity and purpose are answered by going back to the very beginning of history, and the first chapter of the Bible.