Luke 16:1-13 Jesus teaches that worldly possessions are temporary but our relationship with God and the people of his kingdom goes into eternity.
Luke 16:1-13 Jesus teaches that worldly possessions are temporary but our relationship with God and the people of his kingdom goes into eternity.
Money and anxieties often shape our life choices; we all aim to be financially well off or perhaps just to be secure. Jesus warns you and me that we could be financially well off but still be considered a fool by God. He also offers us good reasons why we can have security investing in what is eternal.
James 4:13-5:11 There are two types of time. One is the time we see on our watches and mobiles. The other is time from God’s perspective – seeing that life is uncertain, and judgement is coming, and the Lord is returning. If we lose track of time in this sense, it’s disastrous, because then we won’t be living as we should.
1 Timothy 6:3-21 As the new year approaches, we have a chance to think through what it is we want to achieve in 2020. Whilst many around us chase money and earthly possessions, Paul calls us to chase something dramatically different. Here he warns us of the dangers of the path chasing earthly treasures and the great promises reserved for those who chase godliness in Christ.
Luke 12:12-21 Fixation on possessions is a growing reality in the world around us. It accompanies a fixation on the self, the immediate and pleasure at the expense of others. Listen in as we see why Jesus warns us so strongly to be rich toward God.
Should life be more give than take? Listen in to this interview and talk with Akeel Sachak, global head of consumer at Rothschild. In this interview he shares how he came to Christian faith from a culturally Muslim background and how his faith impacts his work. This interview is accompanied by a short talk entitled ‘Should life be more give than take?’
What if I don’t do God? Listen in to this interview and talk with Michael Farmer – Peer in the house of Lords and highly successful commodities trader. For the first half of his life, Michael didn’t do God, then everything changed…
Romans 3:23;6:23 Jay Marriner has gone from a life of parties, drug-dealing, and crime, to a life as a Christian and now as the pastor of a new church in Brixton. In this talk he shares his story of how this transformation came about.
Money Bill and Melinda Gates have helped found ‘The Giving Pledge’, encouraging billionaires to give half their wealth away and to ‘give more, give sooner and give smarter.’ In our better moments humans sense we were created to give. Listen in as we think this through and see Christians have been re-created to give too.
Money We tend to think making money is the hard part and that spending it is much easier! But we also know there are lots of competing demands on our finite resources. Listen in as we think through how Jesus would have us achieve balance between all those good options.