"Righteousness" Tagged Sermons

Onward Christian Soldier: 4 of 5: Put on your armour

Ephesians 6:10-23 For many Christians spiritual warfare is about the sensational world of deliverance ministries and naming demons and driving them out of believers. But that is not the spiritual warfare we find in the New Testament letters. Instead it’s about putting on the armour God has provided for everyday Christian living. That is how we stand firm against the forces of evil.

Isaiah: Vol 9: 3 of 4: The Wait

Isaiah 56:1-57:5According to one survey, over a lifetime we spend 27 days waiting for trains and 6 whole months waiting in queues. But waiting is actually integral to the Christian life. We are waiting for salvation. But Christian waiting is an active thing, characterised by the three hallmarks in this passage.