Marks of the Spirit-filled church: 1 of 3: Unpopular

John 15:18-16:4 One-hit wonder Joan Osborne had a top-ten hit in the 90s with a song called “One of us”. The songs asks the question about what kind of reception we would expect God to get if he became one of us. What about if God were to reveal himself to one people in the world, and if he were to show them what life’s about and how to live and flourish in this world, how do we think the world would respond to those people? Our answer to these questions reveals a lot about our assumptions about humanity. Listen in to Jesus’ answers to these questions and what the implications are for our lives.

Freedom:‭ ‬1‭ ‬of‭ ‬3:‭ ‬Set free from sin‭

Revelation‭ ‬1:5-6‭ In his‭ ‬1941‭ ‬State of the Union address President Roosevelt famously proposed‭ ‬4‭ ‬fundamental freedoms that people everywhere in the world ought to enjoy:‭ ‬freedom of speech,‭ ‬of worship,‭ ‬from want,‭ ‬from fear.‭ ‬Freedom matters to us as people.‭ ‬But does it matter to God‭? ‬And if so,‭ ‬what is he doing about it‭?

Why I can‭’‬t believe:‭ ‬How can we know whether God exists‭?

Romans‭ ‬1:18-23‭ ‬Stephen Fry recently launched an anti-God tirade on an Irish TV show and got‭ ‬2‭ ‬million youtube viewings even before the program was aired.‭ ‬Russell Brand replied with a clip entitled‭ “‬Is there a God‭? ‬Yes,‭ ‬and Stephen Fry‭ ‬proves it.‭”‬ What these men have in common is that they both understand the huge significance of this question of God‭’‬s existence for every one of us.‭ ‬Listen in as we consider how we can find real answers to this vital issue.