Sermons by Marcus Nodder (Page 19)

In the beginning: 5: What is marriage? (Lunchtime)

Genesis 2:18-25 Do you ever read the manual when you buy a new gadget or appliance? Most don’t, and then end up calling the helpline to complain that it doesn’t work! The Bible is the manual God has given us for life. In this talk we look at his instructions for marriage – and discover not just how to make it work, but also that it has profound spiritual lessons to teach all of us, whether married or single.

Easter 2019 (Lunchtime)

Isaiah 53:4-7 The cross is for Christians what the Golden Arches are for McDonald’s or the Swoosh is for Nike. It’s their logo that they proudly display everywhere. But why? What is the relevance today of a man’s execution 2000 years ago? The answer is found in two animals in an ancient prophecy.

Money Matters

Matthew 6:19-34 God’s Old Testament people wrongly thought they could serve the Lord and the gods of the nations. As Christians in the affluent West there is a real danger of making the same mistake. But Jesus is clear that ‘You cannot serve God and money’. What are the signs that I may be trying to?

In the beginning: 3 of 3: What is man?

GENESIS 1:24-27 What is a human being? Just a few chemicals in a bag of skin? Just a higher functioning mammal? And what are we here for? What’s the point? Is there one? These questions about our identity and purpose are important ones. We find the answers as we turn back to the dawn of human history and the first chapter of Genesis.

Radical Giving

Matthew 6:19-34 God’s Old Testament people wrongly thought they could serve the Lord and the gods of the nations. As Christians in the affluent West there is a real danger of making the same mistake. But Jesus is clear that ‘You cannot serve God and money’. What are the signs that I may be trying to?