Acts 6:8–8:3 A wrong understanding can make us look like fools, and this is the case with the bible too. Stephen shows that we need to rightly understand how God works in his people, through his word.
Acts 6:8–8:3 A wrong understanding can make us look like fools, and this is the case with the bible too. Stephen shows that we need to rightly understand how God works in his people, through his word.
Acts 6:1–7 Practical service happens in order for the church to do good things, while ensuring that the best thing – the word of God increasing – can still happen.
Acts 5:17–42 God is at work in the gospel, so don’t be discouraged, he cannot be stopped!
Isaiah 9:2–7 We need to recognise that Jesus is the ultimate Joy TO the world.
John 1:1–18 Evangelistic sermon focusing on 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Showing God came to be human, to be known, and to save.
Acts 5:12–16 What are signs and wonders? Why were the apostles doing them? And what should we think about those who claim to perform them today?
Acts 4:32–5:1–11 What will it look like to be part of church? Gods plan for his people is that they have a great unity, marked by a generous attitude, leading to generous action, meeting genuine need. And he warns us from great danger! That of hypocrisy, lies, the covering up of sin.
Acts 4:23–31 Pray to God for boldness even when the whole world is against the gospel.
John 15:9-15 What does the sacrifice we recall on Remembrance Day tell us about the world we live in? When we recall loved ones we have lost, we learn something about the very heart of God. Join us to mark Remembrance 2023.
Acts 4:5–22 Jesus is the only way to be saved, a truth we must speak about in a culture that doesn’t want to listen.